Welcome to Puentes|LatiNOLA’s online giving site. With just a few steps, you can make a gift to help Puentes|LatiNOLA provide vital educational services to children, youth, and adults, providing a brighter future for them, their families and their communities.
Join us and be part of this positive change in the Latino community and the city we Love and Live in!
Giving has never been easier with so many fast and simple ways to donate. We offer two easy ways to give:
1. Donate online using our nonprofit partner Network for Good.
Simply click on the “Donate Now Through” button below and you will be directed to our profile donation page on the Network for Good website where you can donate with any major credit card.
2. Donate online through Paypal
Simply click on the “donate” button below and you will be directed to the Paypal site where you can donate with any major credit card or from your bank account. Use email [email protected].
3. Send a check made payable to Puentes New Orleans, Inc.
Puentes New Orleans, Inc.
4205 Canal St
New Orleans, LA 70119
4. Call Kenneth Routon, Grant Writer and Development Coordinator at (504) 821-7228 to make your gift over the phone.
You may also email Kenneth to schedule a phone call at [email protected].
Puentes New Orleans works with a large number of local and national organizations. Meet our funders and partners!